Monday, January 31, 2011

Fresh Start

Thought I'd show my goodies I just received via Rio...I'm going to use vinegar sans the other stuff to keep my home studio a little more green...

oh and I can't wait to dive into that big round heavy leather forming bag...

hope this inspires you to want to restart, finish or work on something :-)
(it's me Care)


Peggy Shiffrin said...

I'm jealous! I love new toys!!

CarolynArtist said...

Peggy, I can't wait to play with the new huge sand bag!!! Nick said I'd get great results using it when I want to do more repousse work! :-)

CarolynArtist said...

just made a new post Peggy, looking forward to seeing more posts from other members, even quotes, anything that inspires us!!!

Janice said...

love the leather sandbag - would have ocme in handy last night as I was alternating between getting stuck in pitch and exploding a dish heating wax. Needless to say my little forming experiment did NOT happen. lol

CarolynArtist said...

Lol Janice, maybe it's funny now? I often worry about things going boom...what were you making???

stoneaddict said...

I just started using chapstick on my silver repousee pieces that get embedded in pitch and it makes removal so much easier!