Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Baltimore Meeting

This month's Baltimore meeting was at the home of Courtney Legenhausen. She and her husband, Eric, work full-time making jewelry and are living the dream of supporting themselves (very well!) with their craft. Thanks Courtney! Courtney's husband Eric demonstrates his mastery of Computer Aided Design.

These are some waxes that Eric designed and milled himself.
This is the CAD machine busy milling out a wax.

A close-up shot of the CAD layout screen.

Courtney shows me (Dana- taking pic), Robin and Julie how to tube-set.

Courtney's work table (she cleaned up for us, too!)
What a fun and eye-opening meeting- hope more of you can come next time!

1 comment:

Lu said...

wow... i'm sad i missed this. Their set up looks amazing!